Tuesday, January 13, 2009


What a basic concept that everyone claims to understand without actually comprehending. I felt glimmers of hope over the holiday when a stranger would help me at the wholesale store with opening my hatchback to put my groceries in; or, a stranger on the train gives his seat to my boyfriend and I so we can sit together. Those random acts of kindness feel somewhat dashed when I go to the movies (and pay good money) only to have a couple my parents age kick the back of my seat for over forty minutes -- despite pushing back, strained glances, and finally asking them to stop. (I finally had to move seats 3/4 of the way through the movie because I was so preoccupied by the seat constantly moving that I missed sections of the movie!)

When did it become over and above to yield the parking spot to the person who was waiting? To let the person waiting at the stop sign the longest go first? How did cell phones make communication so commonplace that returning a message or text obsolete if you just didn't feel like it?

1) At the movies, the seat you are in - is yours. None of the others. You may only put your feet on the one in front of you if it's vacant. Common courtesy, people.

2) If you see someone with a turn signal on when you turn the corner, they are obviously waiting for a parking spot. Don't be a bastard and take it.

3) Be aware of your surroundings. If smiling at someone or giving them your seat would make someone's day - smile or give it up! You never know who will remember that as a small gesture of kindness they needed to make their day/week/month.

4) Don't be one of those assholes that can't drive in the WAWA parking lot. It's not that hard. And if you accidentally are one of those people, it's not that hard to raise a hand and give the courtesy wave. (Which you can't do on your cell phone - so don't pick it up til you are at least out of the parking lot.)

5) If someone sends you a personal text/call/email, return it. Even if it's only to say you are busy and don't have much time on your plate. General ignorance of people's attempts to reach you basically sends the message that you are more important than they are. If that's the case, don't be surprised if they aren't there later on ...

There are so much more, but really - its just basic respect.

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