Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Which part of the see-saw do you find yourself on?

I really feel like I'm giving a lot of myself lately. To everyone. This usually results in burnout ... sooner than later. I guess this means I have to scale back a bit again.

Talk less, listen more.
Stay home more often.
Start consigning again.
More 'loner' activities.

I have two very different parts of my personality that don't feud; but rather, they act contradictory to one another. My introverted side wants to read, learn, watch movies (alone), cultivate the few trusted friends that I know will pull through in a jam, and purge unneeded things. My extroverted side wants to go out, make new friends, keep up with acquaintances, be the story that's happening - the one I'll reiterate the next day!

I guess it all comes back to balance (like always) - where you do a little of this at one end ... a little of that at the other -- then run back past the middle of the see-saw so it evens out. Constantly feeling like I'm on a balance board of some sort.

Nothing like a little self-talk to get things rolling! I know what I need to do - I just need to be more adament about keeping myself in check:

Saying no more often :)

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