For starters, you would be amazed at how many people don't 1) read a newspaper or 2) watch the news. I've had people actually shocked when they discover my friends with MBA's and experience still unable to find decent jobs. I'm shocked that they live under a rock! Fact is -you are really sheltered if you haven't heard/felt the effects of the economy by now. This is not a phase. I don't like it anymore than you do and I've had quite a bit to deal with lately (in addition to the economic squeeze).
The only thing you can be on a rainy day is PREPARED. Here's what I've learned from my own trials (and others) of the last few years (in no particular order):
Things I've learned During Hard Times
1) Back up your computer at least once a month.
2) Stay educated, informed and READ the news yourself. Actively seek out what is happening in the world.
3) Pay off debt. As much as you can. Don't accrue any more.
4) Keep some cash on hand -- literally IN YOUR POCKET. If someone were to take your purse or wallet - how would you manage?
5) Learn how to improvise. If you suck at it - take a class. It will only serve as a useful skill. Take it from the adventurer himself, Teddy Roosevelt:
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
6) Exercise - not only will it improve your body, it will improve your overall well-being.
7) Don't go anywhere alone. Yes, they said it as kids & I'll say it again - don't trust strangers.
8) Simplify your life. The more difficult this seems, the more you need to do it. Goodwill still takes donations, consignment shops will pay you for things you don't use or need anymore, and sometimes the thing causing you the most stress is not necessary. 'Nuff said.
9) Find like-minded people! Positive, helpful people only improve your situation. You learn the character of others during hard times. The good ones will still be around years from now.
10) Take up reading. At the very least, you'll expand your vocabulary and general culture beyond your current realm.
Good book so far! If it's not your cup of tea, pick up an autobiography or a fiction novel - my boyfriend enjoys the zombies and post-apocalyptic stuff. Maybe I should read some Tank Girl & Harlan Ellison and prepare myself? LOL Just kidding! I don't eat red meat ... yet.
I'm sure Jamie is loving the Teddy Roosevelt reference :)
I second your list. All very good advice, and very true. :)
This is an awesome post. I really like your list and I'm going to try to follow it :)
Mer - Jamie hasn't seen it yet (I don't think), but of course, will love Teddy! I think I needed this list to remind myself of what I learned.
S.Mom - feel free to use it on your blog, I don't mind in the least! Glad you find it useful!
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