I reported my issues to Netflix, who asked me to report them to the USPS. I reported them again due to the lack of a response -- before I was called by a very nasty, curt woman at the Downingtown Post Office. She insisted I bring the Netflix to her personally and she would put it in the rotation for that day. Wouldn't ya know - it ended up at Netflix THE NEXT DAY. I'm sure USPS would think this would prove their point, when in reality - it proves mine.
While I was away (Myrtle Beach) - I returned three of my movies, and they were processed overnight. Returned one day, received the next. Obviously this was a completely different post office, and Netflix plant. I gave another movie to a friend that works in King of Prussia, she put it in her work mail, it was also processed overnight. Returned one day, received the next. What is taking an extra 9 days on (on average) for my movies to get back to a company that's in Devon? (Approximately 20 min from me!)
The only movie to be processed this fast through either Downingtown, PA and/or Exton, PA post offices in the last 3 months was the movie I hand-delivered to the post master of Downingtown. After "testing" both mail and netflix, it seems til still be the post office.
So to you people that steal your neighbor's Netflix or (in my case) postal workers that are stealing mine - get your own subscription. It's one of the few things I pay for that I enjoy and can still afford. I've already had enough theft this year.
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