"Unfortunately, the sheer volume of choices we have of things to do have made people indecisive. The indecisiveness has led to boredom -- the boredom to apathy."
I was told to "save that, it's brilliant." Brilliant, perhaps. Sad, a little. The first time this sentiment planted it's roots was in 2002, when I stumbled upon the last few episodes of "Frontier Life" on PBS. Three families were chosen (out of thousands of applicants) to travel back in time to the days of the Wild West, living as settlers on the frontier back in the 1880's. Located in a valley in a remote corner of Montana, each family took a 160-acre plot of land where they would be observed completely immersed in homestead lifestyle. From spring to early fall of 2001, they built their own homes, made their clothing, tended their lifestock, planted food, fished and hunted their land, and more -- all without modern technological assistance. One of the main goals of the show was to see if each family - through trading, surviving and preparing - would be able to survive the upcoming winter (without actually staying there for the season).

Kristen Brooks, age 28, recounts "the cabin was very small, and the daily routine was monotonous," and she suffered "from isolation and lack of socializing".The reason I remember the program is because the follow-up segment showed the Clune girls (Tracy & Aine - cousins in real life), splashing around in a jacuzzi in Malibu ... bored. They looked directly at the camera and said they thought they'd missed this life until they returned to it. They found that all the things that had kept them occupied and busy on the frontier, had prevented them from being bored; and, that returning to the life of luxury -- full of choice -- had actually led them directly to boredom.
Mark Glenn, 45, says, "I don't miss phones, beepers, and having foolish conversations with foolish people. I'm a real movie buff, so I miss watching movies at home with my wife. I think I've kicked my TV addiction, but I really miss the movies. I also miss pasta and Polish kielbasa. And playing softball, which I used to play on Thursday nights in my church league."
Tracy Clune, 15, shares, "I feel more responsible and more confident. I could take care of myself if I was left alone. Before I was afraid to go out at night, and [now] it doesn't bother me at all. I have no regrets about being out here. I don't think I'll be the same person when I return. I'll be less materialistic, less into make-up and clothing, and I really want to get to know the members of my own family better. I'm not the same person, and I'm happy about that."
With the books, television, internet, friends, movies and MORE -- how can anyone be bored? Recognize that boredom is really only the product of a lack of creativity; and perhaps, inability to enjoy your own company. There is always something to do.
...like knit ;)
Ok, well that could inspire boredom ... LOL I think it's a matter of finding what makes you happy and what keeps you interested. Movies, music, reading, knitting (if that's your thing), scrap-booking, photography, etc.
I think it is very interesting....I think our interests change as the years go on, and sometimes until we figure them out, we are left feeling bored. You know how I always complain about having a night out alone or a day out without the baby. When I get that, I feel strange because I am so use to having my hands full and I forget now how to be me again when I am alone. Also, my interests are changing because I love to read, but it is hard because my concentration is shot. Your an amazing writer, you should write for a living.
Of course our interests change - unless you remain stagnant as a person, your interests change. I read difference subjects, watch different shows and movies. Everything I said stands. It's still a matter of creativity and a changing lifestyle. With you - instead of trying to maintain the books and types of interests you had, you should incorporate your new interests into your life. You are (sort of) by getting baby books, crafty books, etc. Your concentration can be retrained - just turn off the things around you that are also distracting you -- cell phone, tv, etc. Set time aside for you to read during her nap or during a load of wash.
Thanks for the compliments about my writing - they are truly appreciated!
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