Friday, December 19, 2008
More than we know what to do With
It is a matter of being present to someone.
Thank you, Jamie. Jen. Mer. Teri. Spring. M&D. Listening is everything.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I still believe in Santa ...

I still believe in Santa Claus. He is embodied in each of us as we give gifts, appreciate each other and love one another. He's responsible for smiles you see when a child gets that special gift, when you compliment someone just because, when you smile whether or not someone returns that smile, when you catch up with an old friend, and when you take the time to appreciate your family and friends. Otherwise known as the seasons greetings, the Christmas (or Holiday) spirit, Santa is there when a child who thought they wouldn't get anything does. His hand takes a part in that feeling when you receive a card or call from someone unexpectedly. He is embodied in each and everyone of us. As the holiday season is upon us, reaccess your beliefs. Believe in Santa - he is very real.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
You cannot step in the same stream twice.
So wipe the slate clean.
Wake up in this moment and truly be here.
Let go of what you think happened.
It is gone.
It no longer exists.
Tell your stories, but don't get stuck in them.
This moment is like no other.
John MacEnulty
Friday, November 21, 2008
Love your Body in Africa!

So apparently if you want acceptance for your curves and faults, all you need to do is move to northwest Africa! I happened to be up late and caught the end of Oprah's show on "Beauty Around the World" where they interviewed Houda, a woman who grew up in Mauritania. Her father is a doctor who sees the negative effects of the country's big idea of beauty.
"My father deals every day with women with serious, serious health issues such as high blood pressure," she says. Even though the problems associated with obesity, like high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes are prevalent, Houda says that doesn't deter women from wanting a big body. "When you're skinny, you're even considered as sick or there's something wrong with you," she says. "Women that are fat, they're really happy."
Thick ankles, plump arms and a big butt are considered the most beautiful parts of a woman, Houda says. And don't worry if you have a few stretch marks—the men in Mauritania love 'em!
Not only are extra pounds considered sexy—Houda says being divorced will win you extra points with the men too! "In Mauritania, you just get divorced and there's a feast, a party—and the more you get divorced, the more you're seductive," Houda says. "That means that a lot of men want to be with you."
"So if you are divorced with stretch marks and a big butt, Mauritania is calling your name!" Oprah jokes. Not only that, at the very end of the show -- a man from that country stood up and said he was losing weight before he returned to the country because the women are supposed to be thick, and men are supposed to be "skinny."
Hmmm. Weird.
And just cause I know Mer reads this - there was a bit on the French ... though no surprise to most of us Americans, they are very rigid on their view of Beauty:
Paris, the City of Lovers, knows a thing or two about sexiness. And for Parisians, slender is sexy. Stephanie grew up in St. Pierre and Miquelon, a French island off the coast of Canada and now lives in Paris. "I've fortunately lost a bit of weight recently, but I used to have a hard time finding clothing in Paris stores because they go up to size 12," she says.
Stephanie says the goal of most Parisian women is to look effortlessly chic. "For French women, being beautiful is all about being elegant but in a natural, very subtle way." But how do French women get this je nais se quoi? "French women don't like to admit it, but, in fact, they spend a lot of time and money on beauty products for every part of their body," Stephanie says.
Once the body is perfectly moisturized and the complexion is flawless, Stephanie says the next step to sexiness is lingerie. "It's all about feeling good from the inside," she says.
In France, Stephanie says women look forward to getting older—turning 60 is sexy! At the same time, Stephanie says women keep up appearances and stay slim, trim and well groomed as they age. "French women feel entitled to be sexy and desirable all along their lives," she says. "It's a lot of work, but they feel entitled to it."
Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
To the bitches.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
the moment I let go of it was the moment I got more than I could handle
What you are stands over you all the while, and
thunders so I can not hear what you say to the contrary.
Someone close to me pointed out that I'm holding back. I need to stop that.
The end.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Perhaps my next book?
with Gibson inventing the word to describe
"a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
the cutest lil guy!
My newest love (though not a muppet, but reminiscent of one), I've only seen in his commercials!! He's just the most adorable video game character EVER! No, really - EVER.
Just for the record, I've never played this game ... I don't even own a PS2!! LOL
Through one of the many articles, google searches and wiki-reads I peruse on a daily basis, I discovered an blurb refering to LIGHT: Listen-Intent-Giving-Honesty-Time. Such a simple thought and premise, but what a way to think of how you act, and how you should be treated! Here is the article - and I think it should be applied to romantic, professional, familial, and friendship relationships. More after ...
5 Simple Rules to Light Up Your Relationship
Relationships can stagnate for any number of reasons; however, one of the most common denominators seems to be losing touch with the people we love the most. We reach a certain level of comfort, and forget that all relationships need maintenance and care in order to last. The following behaviors can help you build and maintain lasting relationships.
1. Listen. Listening will make ANYONE feel important and valued. Listening will give them a sense of security and knowledge that they have someone when they need to be heard. The act of listening involves more than just hearing, however. You have to open your mind. If you have the attention or memory span of a flea, you will need to practice focusing. Make mental notes, and keep a notebook if you need to, writing down important items as they are revealed in conversation. Listening involves dropping everything else and putting him. Turn off the TV. Put down the book. Look at them they speak. Ask questions if you don’t understand. Give feedback with an honest and open mind. Listening is one of the most important aspects in any successful relationship. Try it!
2. Intent. Intention is a funny thing. Like dreams and wishes, intentions will not come true until you act. Therefore, it’s good practice to take stock of your intentions, and determine whether they line up with your actions, or just float out in the abyss. If you intend to do something, and you have voiced this intention, then by all means, make certain you follow through. If you have to, review your intentions daily and take an active role in carrying out your intentions. Living up to your intentions not only builds character, it also displays commitment to your relationship, as well as yourself.
3. Giving. Generosity doesn’t necessarily involve all things material. You can give many things that will not cost a cent. Giving puts into play your listening skills. When you listen, you will get endless clues as to things that give them joy, or make him feel loved. Cook their favorite meals. Tell him, out of the blue, something about him that makes you admire them. The tiniest acts can sometimes bring forth the best results! Giving of yourself demonstrates that you value your relationship enough to invest time and energy into bringing happiness, and building a stronger bond.
4. Honesty. Lying is for the weak. Lies are a destructive force that we hide behind when we are too afraid of living. Being honest means being honest with you, first and foremost. If you lie to yourself on a regular basis, then what incentive do you have to be honest with anyone else? Honesty, even about the smallest things, develops
trust. Honesty demonstrates commitment. Honesty involves carrying out your best intentions, and giving of yourself. You don’t have to tell lies in order to be loved. You don’t have to tell lies in order to make someone happy. If you want love, or to make someone FEEL loved - be honest. About everything.
5. Time. So often, in this frenetically-paced life, we forget to take time out for those we love. If you are constantly running from here to there, and seeing each other only in passing, then perhaps it’s time to hit the pause button. Take a few minutes during your work day to call and let him know their on your mind. Instead of running errands after work, go home and just spend some time hanging out together. Throw a few breaks in your routine once in a while, just to let them know you want to be in tune with them.
Building a solid relationship takes hard work, and solid commitment. Sometimes, it may seem that you’re doing all the work alone. However, in time, your actions will begin to produce changes, not only within the relationship, but also within yourself. Knowing how to be LIGHT is half the battle!
Obviously, a good bit of this article is focused on the romantic relationship - but I struggled mainly with friendships this year -- and it was quite the wake-up call. I find this advice helpful because I notice that the lack of intent, giving and time on their part made me wonder - do they just not need/want me as a friend anymore? Some have disappeared completely, despite nudging with emails, voicemails and texts. Some have disappeared into relationships, new jobs, homes, or just their own lives. Some just don't seem to mind the loss. Whatever the case, I find that it's harder and harder to keep being the person pursuing friends that don't seem to want me. Would you keep knocking on a wall hoping one day it would turn into a door? At some point, I have to walk away before I start hating myself for being pathetic ... or them for walking away without even an explanation.
This sounds like a sad entry, but really I've thought about this quite a lot and it's quite freeing to stop knocking and just live my own life. I'm a great friend, and I try very hard to be there for the people in my life; only, not at their beck and call, not without give and take. I'm tired of the conversations with the, (to quote a poignant book/film, Fight Club) "People just waiting for their turn to speak." I want to listen AND be heard. I want to give AND get --- and maybe most importantly - I'd like a little face-time with the people that claim to be my friends. Even if it were over the phone, at least it's something.
To those this doesn't apply to - cheers! I feel about 110% better getting this off my chest.
Fear of failure and fear of the unknown
are always defeated by faith. Having
faith in yourself, in the process of change,
and in the new direction that
change sets will reveal your own inner core.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The more real you get ...
... the more unreal it gets. There are so few people in this world that are who they say they are. For years, I allowed someone in, very close, only to find they were a proverbial 'wolf in sheep's clothing'. Now, having lived those those lessons out, I can easily see another person that is (unfortunately) folded up into my current life in an unavoidable way.
What makes it so appealing to people to look their noses down at another? Why is it so easy for them to make snap judgements about my life, my decisions and my path? I have been accused of being everything from an uptight bitch to a hippy --- so really, the only thing I can do is laugh in the faces of those that think they 'know' me. I try to live with integrity, by a moral code, and as a genuinely good person. Often, it gets me nowhere ... and that's ok. I don't do it for anyone but me. I do get frustrated from time to time, when I come in contact yet again with the disingenuous likes of others.
For an outgoing person, I'm almost ridiculously private. Sure, there are things I'd share with anyone ... while things that others would share over the water cooler wouldn't dare part from my lips on such a casual basis. I know the origins of my private nature, and to stick with it - I'll refrain from elaborating. Those who know, understand. Those who don't, may not. The reasons I continue to keep me-to-me ties back to the former wolves, or sheep (depending on when you see them).
Being burned hasn't made me bitter, but it has made me wiser ... and more patient. Wiser and more patient to the negatives in the world around me. A few acquaintances have floated in and out of my life recently, which in some ways made me sad --- but also made me realize how much I love the truly awesome people in my life. Since ridding my life of the 'wolf' a few years back, my life has been unequivocally better. I highly recommend taking stock in the positives and negatives in your life --- the people you surround yourself with are an important factor in making yourself a better person. As for the one that isn't leaving, I know how to better deal with it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
acquire the trick
You must acquire the trick of ignoring those who do not like you.
In my experience, those who do not like you fall into two categories:
The Stupid and The Envious.
The Stupid will like you in 5 years time.
The Envious, never.
The Libertine