Monday, September 21, 2009

I'm a little bit horror, I'm a little bit co-me-dy!

Diablo Cody's singing a different tune in her follow-up script to the Oscar-winning, Juno. Jennifer's Body dives into the "horror" genre; though, I would consider it more dark humor or satire with some light horror mixed in. Vampiress-tween beast Jennifer is played by Megan Fox in her best role to date. She wreaks havoc on the small town of Devil's Kettle - with an appetite for teenage boys. Only her best friend knows the truth - played by Mamma Mia's Amanda Seyfreid. The dialogue is fantastic (as we've come to expect from Ms. Cody), but the story is strange and unfocused. Also - I was expecting a little more gore from an R-rated horror movie.

Thankfully, the movie doesn't take itself too seriously; in fact, it keeps you interested with it's switch from horrifying bloody scenes to light and witty banter between the main characters. That's where the movie does work: the two main characters are worthy of screen time and the words they spew. Despite the title role, and being Hollywood's current glam-girl, this movie is not Fox's vehicle - it was Seyfreid's as "Needy". In fact, we follow Needy through the film as she is horrified over and over by Jennifer. Her concerned, geeky but gorgeous character let's the quirky actress shine. This movie isn't the horror flick some had hoped, but I don't think the trailer misleads in that respect.

Stop reading this and go see it.

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